- Purpose Of The Document
- Journey Overview
- The Roadmap To Perfect Processes
- Business Process Management And Governance
- 1. Strategic Objectives
- 2. IT Infrastructure And Installation
- 3. Process Hierarchy And Static Data
- 4. User Training
- 5. Process Definition
- 6. Process Enrichment
- 7. Risk And Control Enrichment
- 8. Management Reporting
- 9. Change Management Towards Target Operating Model
- 10. Periodic Process Review
- 11. Support
- 12. Contact information
Purpose Of The Document #
On behalf of BluePrintBI, we welcome you as a new user and we trust that you will find value in the ability to view and extract the accurate and consistent business process information stored within the system. The purpose of this document is to provide a guide to assist you in effectively and efficiently activating BluePrintBI to enable your strategic objectives.
This document aims to describe the journey towards a fully documented operational landscape. Along the way, references to other helpful documentation will be added.
Journey Overview #

The Roadmap To Perfect Processes #
Business Process Management And Governance #
A formalised BPM&G team that governs the methodology, maintenance, and overall process definition management, is the key foundation to ensuring a successful implementation of process ownership and accountability as a culture within an organisation.
This BPM&G team is held accountable for the quality, accuracy and completeness of all processes defined within the organisation.
Please refer to BPBI Process Governance Principles.pdf, outlining the principles, building blocks, management of resources and level of engagement necessary when BluePrintBI is used to enable proper process governance.
A checklist (BPBI Process Governance Checklist.xlsx) outlining the expected outcomes and ownership throughout the life cycle of optimal business process management and governance has been provided to assist.
1. Strategic Objectives #
In order to ensure that outcomes delivered from a process definition drive meet expectations from all stakeholders, it is essential that the organisation strategic objective is formalised, taking into account all stakeholders involved, and translating the expectations into a one-, three-, and five-year plan. Each committed objective needs to be measurable with clear accountability allocated.
The BPBI methodology translate the strategic objectives into smaller phases which are treated as separate projects building on each other. The following generic considerations are applicable during each of these phases.
1.1 Strategic Deliverable Broken Into Sub-Phases #
Each sub-phase’s scope is clearly aligned with the overall strategic objectives and translated into the process universe relevant to the phase. The latter drives the business units and resources involved.
- Enable strategic drivers
Strategic drivers for the project are identified and communicated to all the relevant stakeholders to establish buy-in and create enthusiasm and an appetite for the deliverables and outcomes of the project. - Establish the timeline
During the scope definition of a sub-phase, the expected outcomes and associated timeframe is agreed upon. - Formulate the Project Plan
Taking into account the scope, timeline and resources allocated, a project plan is formulated for each sub-phase and used to communicate progress.
It is recommended that the project plan should also incorporate the process universe applicable to each project phase. The process universe covers the following information at a high level:- Process name
- Process owner
- Subject matter expert
- Process status
- Enrichment attributes
See Project Plan template below:
Example of BPBI Process Definition Plan
1.2 Outcomes #
- Formally agreed Strategic Objectives with clear outcomes and timeframes – to be reflected in:
- Minutes of the client scope meeting
- In the work order (where applicable)
- Signed Licence Agreement
- Signed Master Agreement
- Signed Work Order Agreement (where applicable)
- Resources allocated:
- BPM&G team formalised
- Business areas involved per phase agreed
- Allocated resources know their responsibilities and have timeframes of deliverables
- Project Plan defined and agreed in alignment with Strategic Objectives
2. IT Infrastructure And Installation #
To ensure a seamless and successful implementation of BluePrintBI within an organisation, the following sequential steps need to be followed:
2.1 Minimum System Requirements #
The technical installation guide as per below provides the minimum system requirement and steps to follow regarding the installation of BluePrintBI:
2.2 Confirm Installation Logistics #
The nominated key BPBI user should liaise with the company’s IT team to confirm the following:
- Minimum system requirements are met
- The list of individuals requiring the BPBI application and/or Web Viewer has clearly been defined
- Download the BluePrintBI User Detail Capture sheet, complete the user details and forward the completed sheet to info@blueprintbi.com
- The committed installation date has been agreed
Follow the link below for an illustration of the BPBI Architecture for the IT team’s perusal:
2.3 Complete Installation #
The company’s IT team confirms a suitable installation date with the BPBI technical team. The following deliverables need to be in place to confirm the installation is completed:
2.4 Outcomes #
- Company IT team confirms that all installation steps have been executed
- BPBI technical team has confirmed that installation has been done accurately and completely
- Remote access for the BPBI team is in place
- Users who required the BPBI installation have confirmed that they are able to access the BPBI
application and/or Web Viewer
3. Process Hierarchy And Static Data #
3.1 Define The Process Hierarchy #
A company’s operational service model is defined in terms of a process hierarchy, outlining the high-level process sub-groupings and processes with tasks. In order to assist the company to initially share the company’s process hierarchy, the BPBI Process Hierarchy capture template can be used:
BluePrintBI Process Capture Template
Note that these templates are not compatible with the BPBI Uploader. Its primary purpose is to simplify information gathering during the initial phase of the process definition cycle where the BPBI Uploader can’t be used due to lack of static data shared.
See below a visual example of a hierarchy structure with 4 levels where the final level is processes with tasks can be referenced:

3.2 Configuring Static Data #
BPBI requires key static data to be set up as part of the initial configuration, in order to document processes on the solution.
The following links below provide the templates to be used to populate the static data required for BPBI:
- BPBI Tools Static Data
- BPBI Job Titles Static Data
- BPBI Control Objectives Static Data
- Suggested control objectives can be changed to suit the needs of the business
- BPBI Inefficiency Static Data
- Suggested inefficiency categories and statuses can be changed to be in line with specific business needs
As the project is well underway and the team is comfortable with mapping processes, the following static data can be added during Phase B:
- BPBI Inherent Risks Static Data
- Suggested primary and secondary risk categories, likelihood and impact data can be changed to be in line with specific business needs
- BPBI Risk Incidents Static Data
- Suggested primary and secondary root causes may be customised
3.3 Outcomes #
- Process hierarchy structure defined on BluePrintBI
- All required static data populated in BluePrintBI:
- All divisions loaded
- All business units loaded and linked to their divisions
- All job titles loaded and linked to their business units
- All tools used loaded
- Control objectives static data finalised
- Inherent risk static data finalised
- Risk incident static data finalised
4. User Training #
One of the key foundations of using BPBI effectively is that all users are adequately trained in line with the role that they will represent within the process definition life cycle of the company.
User assistance available on the website:
- An extensive collection of training videos on each aspect of functionality
- Detailed textual user manuals
The information is available on the link below (Password: Knowledge):
4.1 Outcomes #
- Classroom training sessions may scheduled per module.
- All requirements are met as set out in BPBI Training Offering.pdf.
5. Process Definition #
5.1 Process Definition Methodology #
The BPBI methodology enables a process to be mapped efficiently adhering to a predetermined set of standards of quality. It enforces the capturing of a minimum amount of data to enable valuable business process intelligence and business intelligence. Process mapping in BPBI begins at process level and progresses to detailing each task that occurs in the process.
Please refer to the link below for a guide in the BPBI process documentation methodology:
BPBI Process Documentation Methodology Guide
5.2 Sharing Process Information In Proof-Of-Concept Phase #
During the POC phase, a company can share process information with BPBI using an easy-to-use Excel template. This allows a process to be revised by the BPBI team and uploaded onto BPBI to demonstrate how the process of definition works:
5.3 Map Process In A Template: Process Definition Fast-Tracking #
Once the methodology is understood and embraced, processes can be mapped in a more comprehensive Process Capture Template to enable SMEs to prepare for the process facilitation sessions. These templates allow users to tag various enhancements. It may be utilised to upload basic process information into BPBI.
The following template can be used during this stage:
The first sheet of this document contains step by step instructions on how to populate the fields of this template. (Please note: This is just an example of the template as each client will receive their own template pre-populated with the static data provided. This template is typically just used initially to fast track process definition.)
5.4 Upload Process Into BluePrintBI #
Process information is captured and finalised on BPBI. Processes that were mapped in the Process Capture Template are uploaded into BluePrintBI using SourceFusion, prior to process facilitation sessions, during which processes are reviewed to ensure that they reflect the true process flow.
BluePrintBI consultants will upload the processes until a Key User is trained to perform this task.
Note that the template is mostly only used for the initial information gathering process in the proof of concept phase as it speeds up the bulk capturing of processes significantly. As soon as the processes are uploaded onto BluePrintBI, it can be modified easily on the system. An example of what the uploaded processes would look like on the system is shown below:

5.5 Review Documentation #
The process documentation generated by BluePrintBI is sent to the SME/process owner for review. Any amendments requested are applied to BPBI until the SME is comfortable to sign the process off as correct and accurate.
5.6 Authorisation Of Process Documentation #
Once the SME/process owner signs off on the process completeness and accuracy, the process is marked as “authorised” on BluePrintBI. The authorisation of a process on BPBI publishes its process documentation to the BPBI Web Viewer and the In Use Screen on the Desktop Application, where any BPBI user with viewing rights may view the information in accordance with their allocated process access on the system.
5.7 Process Life-Cycle #
A process progresses through different stages during its life cycle on BluePrintBI, normally in the following order:

The life stage a process is in is called its “Status” in BluePrintBI.
5.8 Outcomes #
- Process Owners are responsible to:
- Identify processes to be mapped
- Define the process attributes (name, frequency, goal, success measurement, trigger)
- Subject Matter Expert (SME) with Process Owners are responsible to:
- Document tasks in the Capture Template for each identified process including operator, tools and frequency
- Key Users are responsible to:
- Train users and ensure processes are reflected on BPBI adequately (making use of the Process uploader where applicable)
- Process Owner is responsible to:
- Authorise all processes (if complete and accurate)
- Module 1: Editor completed by the following users:
- Process Creator
- Process Editor
- Process Authoriser
- Process Viewer
- Key User
- Module 2: SourceFusion completed by the following users:
- Key User
- Module 5: Web Viewer – For Operational Use completed by the following users:
- Process Creator
- Process Editor
- Process Authoriser
- Process Viewe
- Web Viewer Only user
- Key User
6. Process Enrichment #
Value-adding information is added to processes on BPBI at process and task level, to enhance the process intelligence that can be derived from the information on BPBI.
6.1 Add Task Durations #
Indicate the numbers of minutes operators spend on tasks to enable and facilitate capacity planning.
6.2 Identify Inputs, Outputs And Reporting #
File and reporting inputs and outputs with their recipients may be added to tasks in processes. Templates and/or examples of these files and reports may be added on BPBI.
6.3 Add Supporting Documents and Templates #
Supporting documents or templates can be added at process and task level on a process. These documents may include SOP-level instructions, screenshots and examples and/or templates of documents used in the process and tasks. Supporting documents may be viewed directly from the Detailed Report of a process on the BPBI Desktop Application and the Web Viewer.
6.4 Identify Task Level Inefficiencies #
Inefficiencies or opportunities for improvement, with its proposed resolution or mitigation, may be identified and tagged on specific tasks in a process.
6.5 Add Costs To Process And Task Levels #
Specific cost related to a process may be added on process and task level. Where salary static data is added, the cost of the operator per task will be calculated based on the task duration specified for the task.
6.7 SOP Level Training On Web Viewer #
The Web Viewer is a powerful tool that can be used by staff for SOP level training at this stage. An authorised process can be viewed together with all the reports generated:
- Detailed Report – Includes step by step detail on task level
- Summary Report – Can function as a checklist for execution of a process
- Process flow diagram – Helps visualise the different role players
- Supporting documents (for example screenshots or Standard Operating Procedures documents) may also be viewed by clicking on the document name on the listed supporting documents for the process on the Telerik Detailed Report, while logged in on the Web Viewer
6.8 Outcomes #
- Subject Matter Expert (SME):
- Identified task level inefficiencies
- Added other enrichment (e.g. attached documents, or task duration) using the attribute tabs
7. Risk And Control Enrichment #
Risks and control frameworks may be added at process and task level to identify the level of risk per process, as well as on each level of the organisation’s operational service model.
At this stage of the journey, we recommend that the following training courses are completed by the following users:
- Module 3: Setup and Data Maintenance
- Key User
- Module 4: Risk, Compliance and Governance Editor
- Risk User
More information on the different training modules can be found in the section: User Training.
7.1 Define Process Inherent Risks #
Inherent risks are defined at process level and rated according to a universally accepted risk matrix, in terms of likelihood and impact.
Note: The company needs to formalise a policy to ensure that the ratings used across all processes and users are consistently applied.
7.2 Apply Risk Mitigation #
Tasks are identified or added to processes to mitigate the inherent risks that were identified in each process.
Should any task in a specific process, mitigate the inherent risk that is tagged on the process, the adequacy percentage of the control may be indicated on the task. The task control adequacy percentage is used to calculate the residual risk rate of the process which is escalated throughout the affected process hierarchy.
Note: The company needs to formalise a policy to ensure that the risk mitigation subjective percentage is applied consistently across all processes.
7.3 Log Risk Incidents On Tasks #
Reported or logged risk incidents may be added to tasks in a process. It is advisable to log all risk incidents of an agreed materiality for the past 12 months on BPBI to receive insight into root causes of risk incidents and the financial impact of risk incidents per root cause. It may be captured on the template below:
7.4 Define Control Frameworks #
Control frameworks, such as ISAE3402, POPI or any other control framework adhered to within the organisation, need to be defined in BluePrintBI to be able to tag the relevant controls on process and task level on processes in BPBI. Process control objectives may be captured on the template below:
7.5 Add Process And Task Level Controls #
All controls applied within a process are listed on process level. The specific tasks where the process controls are applied or adhered to within a process are indicated on task level in BPBI.
7.6 Outcomes #
- Risk and Compliance team with Process Owner:
- Defined inherent risk at process level
- Tasks were identified or added to processes to mitigate the inherent risks that were identified in each process
- Tagged process and task level controls
- Log Risk Incidents on tasks
- Risk and control enrichment on processes completed and ran an Audit Control Report to view all the tagged controls.
- Module 3: Setup and Data Maintenance completed by the following user:
- Key User
- Module 4: Risk, Compliance and Governance Editor completed by the following user:
- Risk User
8. Management Reporting #
BPBI provides valuable Business Process Intelligence.
At this stage, the Web Viewer can be used by Management for viewing Management Reports to obtain business insights and knowledge.
Reports and insights which can be derived from the data, are typically sent to a client monthly. An example can be seen below:
BPBI Management Reporting – Example
Note: Reporting can be customised according to the company’s own needs. Ultimately the client will be able to generate their own management reports using the Web Viewer.
The Management Report pack can now also be set up for each client on PowerBI to allow for clickable up-to-date reports.
At this stage of the journey, we recommend that the following training courses are completed by the following users:
- Module 6: Web Viewer – For Management Reporting
- Management
- Key Use
For more information on the various training modules, please read the section: User Training.
Note: Customised data queries extracted in MS Excel: Any information that is tagged or added in BPBI can potentially be pulled from BPBI. If a specific report does not already exist in BBPI, it may be built at
the request of a client. More detail on some of the reports can be found in the User Manual (BluePrintBI User Manual).
8.1 Outcomes #
- Management reporting requirements confirmed, and data queries / management reporting aligned as far as possible.
- Client / Key User equipped to generate own management reporting.
- Module 6: Web Viewer – For Management Reporting completed by the following users:
- Management
- Key User
9. Change Management Towards Target Operating Model #
Where changes to the operating model are to be facilitated utilising BPBI, the Target Operating Model may be:
- Defined as a separate universe on BPBI, either by defining the target process universe from scratch in parallel to the old process universe, or cloning the existing processes to a new position on the process hierarchy and amending them as required
- Created by changing the processes as and where they exist on BPBI and only publishing the new versions of the processes once they are ready to be implemented
9.1 Outcomes #
- Able to easily experiment with new Target Operating Models before implementation of changes.
10. Periodic Process Review #
- Processes are reviewed regularly to ensure that the information is current and can be trusted.
11. Support #
For all your BluePrintBI functionality questions throughout the journey, please refer to our website for our extensive BluePrintBI User Manual (Password = Knowledge) and other helpful resources and videos:
The First Line Support section on the website, explains the procedures when experiencing trouble using BluePrintBI.
12. Contact information #
For more information, you could e-mail us on support@blueprintbi.com or find helpful information on our BluePrintBI website