Training Videos

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BluePrintBI Solution Overview

An overview of the BluePrintBI solution. Fast-tracking business process mapping. Simplifying governance.

How to Create the Job Title Hierarchy

Indicates how to create a organizational hierarchy by populating data into three groupings: Divisions, Business Units and Job Titles.

Setting Up Tools and Modules

Describes how to create, edit and delete the tools that are used to performed tasks as well as maintaining the modules related to tools.

User Creation & Setup

Indicates how to create a User and how to allocate roles to the User to determine what the User will be able to do within the application.

Creating Employee’s Profiles

Indicates how to create a new Employee Profile and link it to the employee’s Username, Job Title, Roles and Access requirements.

How To Create & Setup Access Groups

Guides you through the process of creating a new Access Group. Describes how to allocate a process and users to the Access Group.

Setting up Process Statuses and Frequencies

Describes the different process statuses and frequencies as well as the purpose thereof . Also instructs how to set up process statuses and frequencies.

Setting Up A Control Objectives Framework

How to create the four levels of the Control framework. Starting form the highest level to lowest level. This includes Audit Types, Control Categories, Core Processes and Objective Items.

Setting Up Inefficiency Categories

How to populate the inefficiency parameters, including the categories, statuses and ratings.

Setting up Inherent Risk Categories

Describes how to do the setup of all inherent risk parameters, including populating the risk categories and ratings.

Setting up Risk Incident Categories

Describes the functionality of risk incident categories and how to set up risk incident categories to accurately represent the categories of risks that affect business operations.

Maintaining the Document Library

Indicates how to upload, change or delete a supporting document in the Library.

How to Create a Process Hierarchy

Indicates how to create a company process hierarchy with all relevant sub divisions and processes.

Easy Uploader Application

A step by step guidance on how to use the Easy Uploader application to upload processes and additional task to BluePrintBI.

How to Create a Process Using the Desktop Application

Detailed description of how to complete a process with the relevant sub-tasks.

How to Access Process Documentation

Navigates you on how to locate your process in the Web Viewer and write a comment regarding the process. Shows you where to locate additional training and manuals.

How To Reorder Processes And Tasks

Describes how to reposition a process or task in the process hierarchy.

How To Use Sub Processes

Describes how to create a Sub-Process within a process and how to use sub-processes to create a value chain of processes.

How To Clone A Process

Describes how to automatically duplicate a process and its tasks for use in another process

How To Recycle A Process

Indicates when and how to use the Recycle Bin process group name that is already set up.

How To Add Supporting Documents To Process And Task Level

Describes how to add, view and delete supporting documents to tasks or on process level.

How To Authorise A Process

Describes how to authorise a process once it has been reviewed for completeness and accuracy.

How to Access Previously Authorised Process Documentation

Detailed description of how to complete a process with the relevant sub-tasks.

Email Notifications On Process Status Changes

Indicates how to activate the email notifications that will be send to Users once a process change from one status to another.

How to Tag the Control Framework on Processes & Tasks

Describes how to add control measures to a process and task level and link a task controls to the process controls.

How to Tag Inefficiencies on Tasks

Identified weaknesses or opportunities for improvement within a process can be documented on task level for tracking and further action.

How to Tag Risk Incidents Per Process

How to document a risk incident that negatively affects the business, relating to a specific process.

How to Tag Inherent Risks on a Process

Indicates how to tag an inherent risk to a process by selecting the type of likelihood and impact.

How to Add Control Adequacies to a Process

Indicates how to mitigate a specified risk by adding a subjective percentage to a task that has controls in place to reduce the risk.

How to Create Salary Bands & Cost Categories

Indicates how to create a salary band with an average cost and how to link it to a specific Job title.

How To Add Costs To A Process

Describes how to add, view and delete supporting documents to tasks or on process level.

Web Viewer Management Reports

Indicates how to access standard Management Reports. You have the option to access data in a graphical format or select data sets which display data in an excel format.

How To View Risk Reports

How to view the Risk information on a hierarchy level, individual process and individual task level.

How To Run Reports

Describes how to access standard reports and data in order to export and create own reports.